Today is about family and friends.  It was Abraham Lincoln who determined the last Thursday of November a national day of thanks.  Today we need to reflect on all we have to be thankful for.  We may not have as much as we want, but do we have what we need?  The majority of people think we don’t.  Material things are extra.  Do  we have family?  Do we have a roof over our head?  Do we have food in our stomach?  Most of us do.  Yes, there are those that do not.

Some feel if they don’t have a half-a-million dollar home they are homeless.  Some feel if they don’t have a $100,000 car they drive a piece of shit.  If they don’t wear designer clothes they wear rags.  Everyone knows someone like that.  I’m sorry for them.  I know  how rich my life is because of my family and my friends.  Today is the day we remember what we have, what we are thankful for, not what we wish we had.

I am thankful for my wife first and foremost.  She is a great woman and supportive in everything I do.  I am lucky to have her.  I am thankful for my family.  They are the most wonderful kids in the world and they all have their own personalities.  They are not robots.  I am thankful for my friends.  All of them in their own way is a good friend and there isn’t one that out does the other.  It is a good mix.  Lastly, I’m thankful for my home.  I have a roof over my head and all I need within it’s walls.  I don’t need to look anywhere else for anything.

It wouldn’t be a ‘Crazy” blog if I didn’t keep it light.  There are also a lot of other things I am thankful for.

First of all I’m thankful my last name isn’t Palin or Gosselin.  What else needs said there?  I’m thankful I’m not Roger Goodell so I don’t have to try and explain my disparity in fining football players. (If you play for Pittsburgh your fine will automatically be $25,ooo higher than anyone else.)  I’m thankful I’m not flying today.  I had my prostate checked last month.  I’m thankful I’m not Jeff Reed.  I could be kicking field goals at the neighborhood turkey bowl.

You get the idea.  Today isn’t about anything but family and eating too effing much.  Let’s also be responsible.  If you drink, please don’t drive.  Holidays are for celebrating, not mourning.  Take it easy today and have a great time.  Relish your friends and family and be thankful for what you have, not what you don’t have.